Our Law Firm
my fifty years in the practice of law, I have
continually witnessed just how much the careless acts of
others can so devastatingly change the lives of the
victims and their families. That’s why at Wolske &
Associates, our goal is to obtain the best results
possible for our clients, because their future well
being and quality of life is
our number one priority.
What kind of qualities do you look for when hiring a
personal injury or medical malpractice attorney?
Obviously, experience and reputation are very important.
But what about those lawyers who claim to be aggressive,
tough, and promise to fight for you? Nobody wants a
“wimpy” lawyer to represent them, but competent legal
representation requires more than just a “tough” lawyer
who throws the book at the judge. A good lawyer is a
great negotiator and communicator who understands the
importance of doing what is best for his or her client.
At Wolske & Associates, we offer honest and sincere
legal representation with the utmost integrity. If you
or someone you know has been seriously or fatally
injured as the result of a motor vehicle accident or
medical malpractice, please consider us. We will discuss
your case with you for free and you will be under no
obligation to retain us. If you do decide to retain us,
there are no legal fees unless we recover compensation
for you through either a favorable settlement or verdict
on your behalf. In most cases we advance all expenses
and are only reimbursed upon the successful outcome of
your case.
Our law firm is committed to helping those in need
during the trying times that result from serious or
fatal injuries caused by the careless acts of others. We
greatly appreciate that our clients have chosen us, over
hundreds of other law firms, to represent them. In
gratitude, I offer my guarantee that at the law firm of
Wolske & Associates, all of our clients will receive the
finest personal and professional legal representation.
Walter "Cy"
Wolske, Jr.
Wolske & Associates
About Us
Contact Us
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Medical Malpractice
Birth Injuries
Brain Injuries
Other Medical Issues
Case Examples
Wolske & Associates
580 S High St #300
Columbus, OH 43215
Telephone Number: 614.221.6969
Toll-Free Nationwide: 800.862.6969
Fax Number: 614.228.4367
Email: firm@wolskelaw.com
Wolske & Associates represent clients
in Columbus and throughout Ohio and Kentucky, including all cities within Franklin
County, Delaware County, Knox County, Licking County, Fairfield County,
Pickaway County, Ross County, Madison County, Union County, Muskingum
County, Scioto County, Athens County, Hocking County, Pike County,
Montgomery County, Clark County, Richland County, Ashland County,
Hamilton County, Lucas County, Mercer County, Clinton County, Logan
County, Morrow County, Washington County and
Gallia County.
Our practice areas are
Medical Malpractice, Auto Accidents, Personal Injury and Wrongful Death.
Wolske & Associates
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